Worlds Are Colliding!


No, not in the George Costanza "If Relationship George walks through this door, he will kill Independent George. A George divided against itself cannot stand!" way.

Rather, I work (fun fact alert!) at an ad agency as a copywriter and (obvious fact alert!) I love LOST. So a shout out to Dharma Blog reader Justin S. as well as Abduzeedo for these crazy awesome Dharma Initiative print ads (click to enlarge).

2 Snarky Comments:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Charlie. I knew your followers would enjoy these ads. They are done with such attention to detail in era authenticity, and obvious love for the show that they pass with an uncanny realism. I feel like my Grandpa ripped these out of an old TIME magazine. Just another example of how this LOST phenomenon, in it's ever expanding ways, has pulled me in.
Kudos to whoever the original artist is on these.

ricki said...