While it might’ve been easy to dismiss the episode as a simple answer-fest, I think there was a deeper meaning behind Locke’s journey (isn’t there always?) and I’ll get into it later.
First off, a few housekeeping items: I think Caesar and Alana are our new Jack and Kate for the Ajira flight. I think Frank Lapidus and Sun took that boat in the middle of the night. And I think that when they passed over the Island, the Oceanic Six time-travel-flashed out of the plane to the 1970’s Dharma Initiative. My lingering questions: Is John Locke in the 1970s? But if the Ajira castaways landed neatly on the Island, as it appeared they did, did they time travel? It would make the most sense if everyone did. Though when does LOST ever make the most sense?
But those are questions for another week. I’m going to attack this episode much in the same way I do an Oreo cookie: start in the middle and work my way out. We’ll start with John Locke’s efforts to recruit the Oceanic Six, then work our way out to his mythology-packed meetings with the two sides of our integral coin: Ben Linus and Charles Widmore. And finally, a look at how John Locke’s life just flashed before his eyes.
Rallying the Troops
Jeremy Bentham’s Recruitment Tour of the Oceanic Six played out pretty much as expected, with a few small twists.
Before we get to them, we better talk about Walt. Yes, that Walt. As in, “Waaaalt,” of “I’ve gotta get my son back” fame.

Sayid, having already been burned by one Island shaman in his post-Island life, declined Locke’s offer in order to keep doing “real good” by building habitats (presumably for humanity). Hurley takes Locke to be a ghost, until an orderly tells him that the wheelchair-confined baldie he’s talking to is, in fact, real. Predictably, Hurley flips out and escapes in his size XXXXL bathrobe.
After the Hurley freak-out, John and his caretaker, Matthew Abbadon, finally have the Come to Jesus meeting we were all waiting for. Abbadon tells John to stop pretending he doesn’t remember who he is, and when Locke inquires as to the nature of Abbadon’s employment, the stoic intermediary replies, simply, “I help people get to where they need to get to, John. That’s what I do for Mr. Widmore.” When Widmore referred to Abbadon as John’s “driver,” he didn’t just mean chauffer. Apparently, Matthew drives souls to the Island as well. I like it.
When Locke visits Kate, she takes a page out of her on-again-off-again boyfriend’s playbook, becoming the Woman of Science and dismissing John’s destiny as a search for meaning in an otherwise meaningless life. She claims he’s “obsessed and crazy” because he’s never loved someone. That’s cold, baby. But if affects Locke enough for him to implore Abbadon to find his old flame, Peg Bundy…err…Helen.
Tragically, Helen’s life has been cut short by a brain aneurism. After Locke and Abbadon visit her grave, Abbadon is taken out of the picture (by Ben Linus, as we later learn), and Locke is forced to flee. His hurried escape and inability to transfer his giant, booted foot from the accelerator to the brake pedal leads to a spectacular crash. And that crash, as fate would have it, lands Locke in Jack’s hospital.
The Jack and Locke hospital scene seemed to serve as a temporary passing of the torch for Locke. He planted just enough doubt in Jack and made him enough of a Man of Faith to secure the Oceanic Six’s return to the Island. I wonder if Jack’s newfound faith aboard Ajira Airlines 316 will threaten Locke’s claim as Island know-it-all when they reunite. Eh, it’s something to ponder.
Locke’s 0 for 6 record sends him into a suicidal spiral, culminating in one of the best scenes of the season: Ben’s meeting with a despondent Locke. It was a perfect mirror of the scene that set Locke off on his journey: his meeting with Charles Widmore.
Fightin’ Words
Ben vs. Widmore. The war. The Tussle in Tunisia. The Melee on Mystery Island. The Rumble in the, well, Jungle. Last night, we got a look at the battle plans from both generals.

After awakening in Tunisia, the exit port for the Frozen Donkey DeLorean, Locke finds himself in the company of a man he hasn’t seen in 4 days (or 40+ years, but who’s counting?). Widmore’s talks with Locke were remarkably revealing, an informational feast for those (like me) who can’t get enough of the Widmore arc. Seriously, every scene with this guy is an instant classic. Let’s examine.
First off, Widmore seems a little surprised that John dates their meeting at “four days ago” when, for Charles, it was decades ago. Does Widmore not know (or fully understand?) the time travel abilities of the Island, or were those abilities not a part of the Island he (thought he) knew?
Charles colored in some more of the backstory leading to this war by claiming that Ben “fooled” him into leaving, exiling Charles “the Peaceful Protector” Widmore from the Island. “There’s a war coming, John. And if you’re not back on the Island when that happens, the wrong side is going to win.” That almost amounted to a motivational speech, with Widmore further convincing Locke that returning the Oceanic Six back to the Island is the only way to restore the order.
Widmore claims his motivations are based on his deep investment in the future of the Island. Sounds a lot like something Ben Linus would say, no? Locke thought so, too, questioning Penny’s pa about his intentions before capitulating and accepting Charles as the good guy. Hell, at that point in Locke’s life, anyone who opposes Ben Linus can’t be half bad, right? We’ll see.
If there’s one way to John Locke’s heart, it’s by telling him that he’s special. Widmore trekked that heavily-traveled route last night, telling John that the Island needed him, and that, “it has for a long time.” This sense of historically-grounded, inevitable destiny genuinely – and quickly – motivates Locke, no matter how many times it leads him astray. Beholden to fate, Locke enters the car with his “driver.”
Quick note: why didn’t Widmore think John needed to die? Apparently he didn’t get the memo from Richard. Or is something more devious as play?
Surely You Won’t Trust Ben Again, Right John? John? Right?

Deep in a suicidal spiral, Locke is interrupted again by Ben, who exploits John’s malleable mental state by painting Widmore as the true evil. And, like Widmore, he reminds John how special he is ( “You can’t do this. If anything happens to you…John, you have no idea how important you are. Let me help you.” )
Ever knowledgeable about other people’s business, Ben restores Locke’s faith by telling him that Jack has booked a trans-Pacific ticket, thus indicating an early glimmer of light in the imploded tunnel of hopelessness that had become Locke’s mission.
And finally, Ben took a cue from Taller Ghost Walt by convincing John that he still had work to do. Well played, Mr. Linus.
With Locke’s loyalty once again redirected back toward him, Ben extracts the crucial piece of information from Locke: that the next stop is to Eloise Hawking. With that crucial intel in hand, Ben goes from mythological sherpa to cold-blooded killer, strangling the life out of John with the very extension cord John intended to kill himself with.
To me, this represented Ben taking fate into his own hands, quite literally. Fate would’ve killed John Locke with that extension cord around his neck. But Ben couldn’t stand another entity having control. So he manipulated the situation to put himself back in the driver’s seat. And don’t be fooled by the shallow contrition in Ben’s voice when he said, “I’ll miss you, John. I really will.” What he’ll really miss is having a very coercible, very meaningful pawn to play with.
Whose Side Are They On?
So did Ben kill Locke to eliminate his competition for Island leader? Or did Ben need to correct John’s course somehow? Because Ben said he’d miss Locke, I don’t think he knows that Locke will reincarnate on the Island.
And why didn’t Widmore think Locke needed to die? Why does Widmore think getting the Oceanic Six back to the Island is important?
You'll have to give your answers in the comments, as my mind has already moved on to what I think was the point of "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham."
Have I Seen This Episode Before?
Wait, a plane crash on the Island? A mysterious man in a suit? Did I Frozen Donkey Wheel myself back to Season One?
No, but last night was all about a subtle nod to the notion of using future knowledge to change past events. Course-correction, fate and free will all rolled into the arc of LOST’s most pivotal character: John “Jeremy Bentham" Locke.

Here we go. Did you notice all the parallels between John’s post-Island story and his pre-Island story? Abbadon as his driver and wheelchair pusher. People constantly telling him he’s special. Dead ends on every road of meaning. A physical tragedy befalling him when he doubts himself. A doomed attempt at real love with Helen. Convincing non-believers that there was something bigger in life. And the heartbreakingly futile search for a father figure, with puppet-master papas pulling the rug out from under him while using him for their own personal gain.
Yes, Locke’s post-Island adventure mirrored the spiritual, romantic, emotional and fateful ups and downs of his pre-Island life.
At the end of both of these journeys, Locke found himself on the Island after an interrupted plane ride. But whereas both of his landings on the Island have found him in similar (vastly improved) physical states, the mental state he’s in varies markedly among the two journeys.
When Oceanic 815 Locke arrived at the Island, he was a broken man. He had been denied from the walkabout that he thought was his destiny. He was returning to a world that seemed to conspire against him at every turn, and his life was devoid of any real meaning. But Ajira 316 Locke crashed to the Island with a wealth of valuable knowledge, a sense of purpose and a mission, a destiny. A reason for everything, and an understanding for most of it.
Which makes me wonder, “What will Ajira 316 Locke do with this knowledge?”
While that question carries massive philosophical implications, it's also a concrete tie to the harrowing physical question of the new LOST. Faraday claims that one cannot go back in time with future knowledge to change the course of events. But now we have Locke, perched at the precipice of a destiny he knows more about than even he understands. Now, instead of being a passive observer who doesn't (or can't) interfere with his own life, John Locke can use his knowledge to avoid the pitfalls of his first Island journey. He can do things right this time. He can sidestep the soul crushing defeats of old. He can use his Island communion to fulfill his (and the Island’s) destiny. Wouldn’t you?
And this is precisely what I liked about last night’s episode (besides the abundance of on-screen time for Locke, which is always cool). It was LOST’s attempt at tying together the universes of science and faith, using the concept of changing the past as a sort of common ground.
Maybe Daniel Faraday's right: a time-traveler can’t go back and physically tinker with the past to change his future. But John Locke – who is virtually reliving the major events and themes of his life but with a completely redefined knowledge base – most certainly can.
Think of it as a victory for the Man of Faith.
20 Snarky Comments:
Great review. I do disagree with your assesment that Ben did not know that Locke would resurrect on the island. In either the first or second episode of this season, when Jack and Ben were in the hotel, before they parted ways Jack said to Ben, "Locke is dead, isn't he?" After a pause, Ben said, "I'll see you in the morning Jack" (or something to that effect). I don't think he would purposefully avoid that question if he didn't at least suspect that Locke would resurrect in some form on the island.
All in all, I thought it was a great episode, especially that scene in the hotel room with Ben and Locke. That was some great stuff.
Good point, Batman. I forgot about that little quote in there, which would definitely indicate that Ben knew what would become of Locke (maybe he realized, after Locke's healing from the paralyzing the first time around, that Locke was one of those who could be healed by the Island).
How did John Locke know about Eloise Hawking? And, who told him he needed to visit her?
Christian Shepherd told him to go to LA and find Eloise Hawking right before he turned the wheel, I believe in the episode This Place is Death.
I'm wondering if Ben murdered Locke because Locke can't kill himself. Remember Michael couldn't kill himself until the island was done with him. I think Ben knew he had to die, but he wouldn't be able to do it himself.
Plus I think the re-incarnation of Locke puts to rest whether Christian Sheppard is real or not.
I don't think that Ben avoiding Jack's question "Locke is dead, isn't he?" is evidence that he knew that Locke would come back to life. If anything, it's evidence that Ben doesn't know. Maybe he paused because he considered the possibility for the first time. Then again, has he ever met Christian? Does he have any reason to believe the island could bring Locke back to life?
Ben murdering Locke was Ben's attempt to regain control and become the leader he had been. He's jealous that the island has chosen Locke, and he sees a chance to bring the O6 back to the island himself, and possibly be reinstated as the leader of the Others.
And I agree that with Locke alive again, it certainly makes a stronger case that Christian Shephard is alive, as well. Which begs the question: what has he been doing on the island this whole time? Hanging out in a cabin? Abducting and getting reacquainted with a long-lost daughter? And, the bigger question, what is his past with the island? After all, ever since we saw him in the cabin (2 seasons ago?) his role has been integral to the actions of the other characters, especially Locke and Claire. So I think he must have a backstory we haven't learned yet, a reason to be a key player recently.
I'm more convinced now that, while Widmore was painted as a bad guy (or at least an overbearing pompous father), he's actually the one to trust. I think Ben reveals himself over and over to be the villain.
By the way, Charlie, fantastic review! The parallels you pointed out were incredible, and I hadn't considered even half of them. One other parallel I see as a possibility: John 316 (whoa) has now returned to the island, as you said, with a strong confidence and much more knowledge than when John 815 arrived. John 316 could now become the Benjamin that we've known thus far: conniving, always two steps ahead, manipulative, in control.
I missed the last two minutes of the episode, so I had to rely on the LOST Untangled to learn that Ben is injured. Anything else I missed?
Oh, and I don't know if anyone else has seen them, but Walt has been starring in some Tyson chicken snacks commercials. I think a funnier Locke-Walt reunion would have taken place like this:
(at Walt's grandmother's home)
Locke: "Hello, Walt."
Walt: "Locke!"
Locke: "How are you?"
Walt: "I'm good. You want to come in? My friends and I are just hanging out and enjoying some delicious Tyson chicken bites. They're perfect for a snack, full of protein, and easy to heat up. They're a big hit with my friends after the big game, or anytime. They go great with a game of Backgammon, too!"
Locke: "Umm. Never mind. I've got to book a flight to Santa Rosa."
Anyone have any thoughts about how when we first Saw Matthew Abaddon he almost pushed Locke down the stairs in the rehabilitation center he told him that if he went on the walkabout he "would owe him one?" Maybe Locke should have been protecting him as well as vice versa- or maybe Locke just getting to the Island was payment enough?
And why didn't Walt have to go back to the island?
i just watched this episode over my lunch and haven't quite processed it all yet, but here's a quick tidbit that occurred to me after reading "john 316" about 20 times in the last 10 minutes:
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
interesting, no?
enjoyed the review, charlie!
Man, some good points on here. I like the idea that Locke couldn't kill himself, much like the Island wouldn't let Michael or Jack die, so Ben had to do it. There are certainly some anti-suicide themes in there.
I think some of my biggest lingering questions center around characters like Walt, Christian and Claire. I've given up on seldom-visited characters like Libby, but I feel like the characters whose stories we have half of hold a lot of meaning. Try as I might, I can't figure out why Walt didn't have to go back, but maybe it's because he didn't leave in the midst of turmoil. He left when the Island wasn't threatened, wasn't shifting violently through time, etc. ALSO, there seems to be a theme that you can't really leave the Island until it is done with you. Maybe the Island got all it needed from Walt during his creepy boarding school captivity.
And as far as the 316John stuff goes, I don't think it's accidental in the slightest. It makes sense that John's death and resurrection story arc coincides with that fateful Ajira flight number. LOST plays pretty hard and fast with things like science and faith, throwing in variables and taking liberties in order to tell a story. Maybe John's mission is their attempt at analyzing Christianity or religion as a whole. To which I say, bring it on. They've danced around biblical parallels for a couple years, but John Locke's story might be their way of diving in head first.
okay...one more thing and then i'll stop embarrassing my husband by posting (and i can't take credit for this, my coworker just brought this up)...how about this whole deal that the little island (where locke & the 316 people are) is apparently in a different time than the big island (where jack, kate, hurley & dharma jin are)???
on the big island, dharma is alive and well and the uni jin is wearing and the van look new, which would lead you to believe it is sometime in the 70s (i think), and on the small island the dharma station looks totally abandoned, which would lead me to believe that it is in present day or at least much closer to it.
Don't hide your shame, Ricki. Comment away. It's natural.
I like this theory a lot! Is Alcatraz traveling on a different spectrum than the Island? Or is it not traveling at all? The fact that Alcatraz remains close to THE Island all the time makes me think that it's special, too. But what does it mean that Locke landed there (or actually, between Alcatraz and The Island because he was found in the water). Maybe John's dropzone (the water) is symbolic of him being "between" worlds right now or something crazy like that.
My initial reaction to the Ben/Lock scene at the end was that Locke's mentioning of Eloise took him by surprise. I seem to remember that Ben got a look of confusion or recognition when Locke said her name.
Perhaps Ben had different intentions with Locke, and indeed wanted to save him to use him later, but once he got the info he needed (Eloise) it then became in his best interest to off him? In which case it is chilling how quickly he made the decision to kill such an important man.
But if Ben really wanted Locke "offed" than why did he insist that Jack bring his body back to the island with something of Jack's dad Christian nonetheless.
I thought that Ben started to get that murderous twinkle in his eye when Locke said that Jin had survived and given him his wedding ring. And then Eloise really set him over the edge. But to me this signalled that Ben realized that he didn't need Locke to convince the O6 to come back. With physical evidence like Jin's ring he knew that he could convince Sun and that the rest would soon follow.
I'm not saying that Ben is in anyway good- he has attempted to kill Locke in cold blood two times now. BUT it does seem possible that he knows that Locke will be back once he goes back to the island... I haven't written Mr. Linus off just yet.
One leftover question from 316: How is it Jack's grandfather is younger than his father?
Did Ben prevent John's suicide in order to preserve John as a man of faith? John didn't appear to be attempting suicide as a sacrifice to save the island, but rather as an act of hopelessness.... he said to Ben "I'm a failure"" "I'm not special" ; "I can't lead anyone". If the man of faith ended his life in an act of faithlessness, would he still be of 'special' use to the island? Did Ben intervene to restore Johns faith, then 'sacrifice' the man of faith for the island?
I agree that earlier episodes appear to indicate that Ben suspected John may not be 'dead'... and that we can't write Ben off just yet.
a random thought about locke landing in water. playing off the religious theme, water is used in baptisms. maybe john is getting a new chance to lead with a new cast of characters.
The two islands aren't in different times, the two groups of survivors are in different times. At least i think so. Locke and the Ajira survivors are in more or less present time on the Hydra island. Jack, Kate, and Hurley (and maybe the rest of the 06?) are on the main island during the Dharma era.
Yeah - that's what's been nagging at me. I like the idea they're in different times. If they travel to the main Island (like Frank and presumably Sun did) will they warp back in time?
Two things are making me wonder-
1. Why did some of the O6 get flashed off the plane, and yet Sun was left to leave with Frank?
2. Is the Lamp Post another Narnia reference? My 8 year old and I watched The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe the other night, and I wonder if the same sort of time travel effect occurs when you enter the Island time line as occurred with the children when they are in Narnia. They were gone for a lifetime in Narnia, and only seconds passed in this world.
One other thing that is bugging me, where are Rose and Bernard? I just miss the only interracial couple still on the show.
Okay, one more thing- my theory is that Kate may have left Aaron with Cassie and her daughter.
I have to agree that ben knows that locke is not dead. Yet it doesn't explain why he has to die to return to the island. Notice also john has now taken christian sheppard's role = jacob, and post island locke is now the new 'leader'?
And the new castaways don't really seem shocked and suprised like the first ep. Of lost.
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