10/9c. ABC.
Call the producers at Jerry Springer, it could be time for the Redneck Korean Paternity Fight of the Century (or RKPFOTC, for short).
Who's Yo Daddy?
Tonight's episode focuses on Sun and Jin, a couple whose back-story has one HUGE question looming overhead -- who is the father of Sun's baby? In previous flashbacks, it was alluded to that hotel heir "Jae" might be a homewrecker, as we saw him in bed with Sun. Then Jae died, presumably committing suicide. BUT... what if it wasn't suicide? Some have speculated that Jin (or more likely, his goons or someone else from the Paik family) killed Jae, or that maybe Sun even went back to the room and had some part in the whole thing. Either way, it'll be interesting to see if tonight's flashback is pre- or post-Jae. My guess is Jae will make an appearance in some way, but I'm not sure how central he'll be.
But alas, it's time for the Great Korean Baby's Daddy Debate (or GKBDD).

Let us speculate. There has to be a reason that Sun has that "Oh god. I hope Maury Povich never comes here and puts Jin to a paternity test," look on her face every time she's around him. That's a concern. Additionally, we know Jin can't...um...you know...uhhh...my mom reads this...ah the hell with it, the guy's firing blanks. But there's hope for Jin: in the same way that The Island cured Locke (legs) and Rose (cancer), it could provide for him as well. That would be an interesting twist indeed. But all things equal, my guess is that Sun's transgressions are going to come back to haunt her, Jae will be revealed as the baby's daddy, and Jin won't exactly be celebrating like this. (sorry, I will find an excuse to include that clip in any TDB post. It's just so good.) Whatever happens, I'm sure it will be a very Grey's Anatomy-esque reveal, complete with Damien Rice music. And either way, it leads me to a much more important point...
"You're Gonna Die Charlie." But is "Charlie" Scottish for "Sun"?
Forgive my obsession with this quote/subject, but I think any time you've got the death of a character looming over your head, it's a big deal. Desmond told Charlie he was gonna die, and Desmond can see the future (as far as we know) so you could say Charlie's damned. But Sun is pregnant, and based on what we know from Juliet, we'd say Sun is damned, too. If I had to bet which one is gonna be buried on Boone hill, close enough to hear the last whimpers of Nikki and Paulo, I'd guess Sun. Perhaps that's just wishful thinking, as Sun/Jin are my least favorite of the main characters and I don't want to see Charlie die because of our cosmic name connection and shared love for speaking in a British accent.
But here's further evidence as to why we should be planning Sun's funeral. Traditionally, character's only die when it's their flashback episode (see Boone, Shannon, Eko and I think Ana Lucia). Tonight, a Sun/Jin flashback. It seems that characters only die when they confront their demons (Shannon's insecurities/using of people, Boone's obsession with Shannon [eww, by the way], Eko's justifications of his malice and his issues with his brother, Ana Lucia's general bitchiness and paper-thin tough girl exterior). We know there are major demons in Sun's past: the father of her unborn child, the very possible reality that she drove him to suicide and the distant possibility that she killed him. We could very well have that mystery revealed tonight, exposing a troubled part of Sun's past that she will be forced to confront in some way. You see where I'm going with this. Additionally (again, I'm protective of young Charlie) I think Charlie has already dealt with his demons (heroin, genuinely caring for someone without using them) and he's still alive - so maybe he's on borrowed time, or maybe he's got a greater purpose. No, he's not a central figure in this story. But Desmond is, and Charlie's fate seems to be closely tied to Desmond's. Add it all up, fellow nerds: the Sun will set soon (again, these are just my unfounded predictions/wishful thinking, so take my words with a grain of salt).
Heaven...(do do do)...Must be missing angels.

Bottom line, she's here, and the reason for her arrival may be a catalyst for the end of the season run we're about to embark upon. If she is indeed bringing a message/on a mission from the outside world, it could again blow the doors of possibility wide open. As she recovers tonight, pay close attention to everything she says/does -- whatever her mission is, it's definitely in panic mode right now, as I don't think the jungle crash landing was part of the plan. And as we know, once someone hits panic mode, they can be forced to take some drastic measures to achieve their ends (just ask Ben "Henry Gale" Linus about that).
Ahhh, the end of the season is such an incredible time. The final 5 episodes seem to be the writers' depositories for huge reveals, big explosions, major character revelations, deaths and the exploration of previously uncharted territories. All year they store up some good mysteries and then bust 'em out during the end of the season. Well, we're here. So strap in, grab a Dharma Beer and nerd out.
D.O.C.: In Haiku
So long, my sweet Sun.
That's what you get for cheating.
But who is daddy?
I'll see ya in another life brutha,
1 Snarky Comments:
any time i get to watch the maury povich clip in the morning i know it's going to be a good day!
another great post my friend. see you tonight for the fiesta.
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