(Annc) The New Breakdown


Still new at the blog thing, so here are a few updates.

1. So we can keep it clean and tidy on "TheDharmaBlog", I'm going to (for now) reserve it for previews, reviews and pertinent announcements. If you'd like to add your two cents worth in the form of preview/review-related comments, I will enable you for that, fo sho.

2.But fear not, contributors and aspiring contributors. Check out: Dharma Bonus Tracks. It's an offshoot blog from the meat-and-potatoes, preview-and-review goodness of TheDharmaBlog.

3. Posts on TheDharmaBlog (what you're reading now) will be titled so you know what they are:
  • (prev) for previews by Charlie
  • (rev) for reviews by Maggie
  • (annc) for announcements
Hopefully this doesn't upset anyone, I was just trying to keep things a little organized, so people can find what they want. If you're a casual preview/review reader, you can catch that on the main blog. If you're a hard-core LOST reader, you can check out the Bonus Tracks (which are linked on the right-hand side here for your convenience.)

Finding blogging to be a tricky science,

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