6 Days. 6 Links.


It's less than a week, folks. "LA X Parts 1 and 2" are coming up fast. (By the way, there'll also be a one-hour catch-you-up special before the 2-hour premiere next Tuesday.)

In preparation, I thought I'd share with you some of the videos, articles and miscellany that Maggie and I have been enjoying. People always ask us what we read, in regards to LOST, so I thought it'd be nice to share some of our favorites from this long, cold off-season.

So here are six links of interest. Think of it like I'm Richard Alpert, laying these items out on a table in front of you, the young John Locke. Now which of these links belong to you?

1. The plane crash, in real-time (and in the style of Fox's 24, for some reason). This is a great look at everything that was happening when Oceanic 815 crashed - and how it happened.

2. A diabolically awesome theory about John Locke, claiming he is a reincarnation of The Man in Black.

3. Pictures and analysis of The LOST Supper - a set of promotional photos depicting our cast as players in Da Vinci's famous painting. From the New York Times.

4. LOST: A Shot at Redemption. One of the finest articles from our favorite LOST writer, Entertainment Weekly's Jeff Jensen. He analyzes the addiction and recovery motif of LOST. Brilliant stuff.

5. [MINOR SPOILER IN LINK] Season Six first 9 episode titles. Most people know that the first episode is called LA X. This site (look over on the right-hand side) gives you the first 9 titles. Episode titles are the one and only spoiler I'll allow myself to read, because they're so cryptic that I don't fear they'll give anything away.

6. And just for fun, "Damon, Carlton and a Polar Bear." A collective art project done with comedian Paul Scheer where graphic designers created LOST-themed prints. These are awesome, and unfortunately, all sold out.

Enjoy! We'll have another article or two before next week.

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