Devotees of the LOST obsession are no doubt aware of the LOST: Missing Pieces series. At 2-3 minutes long, each of the 13 mini-episodes actually began as "mobisodes" (mobile episodes) made exclusively for Verizon customers. Apparently it's Verizon's way of paying back the universe for years of subjecting us to those "Can you hear me now?" commercials. God knows they owe us something for that. Given the choice to eliminate that guy or Sheryl Crow... I'd choose Crow. Nobody's worse than that no-talent ass clown.
Okay, focus. Missing Pieces. Clever title. LOST is often described as an enormous jigsaw puzzle, for which viewers are given several new pieces with each episode. The Missing Pieces are those parts of the puzzle that got swept under the rug, eaten by the dog or hidden by me in an effort to be the person who got to put in the last piece. Yes, I was that kid. Chronologically, all of the Missing Pieces take place, presumably, before the end of Season 3. So they provide extra perspectives on stuff we already knew.
If you haven't watched this series yet, do. You don't have to watch Missing Pieces to understand the show, but it will shed a little light on some subject matter that's previously just been hinted at. Don't know where to start? Allow me to help you. As loyal as I am, some of these were yawners. So here's my ranking of all 13 Missing Pieces segments, from worst to first (approximate time of episode in parentheses):
13. Hurley and Frogurt (mid-late Season 2): We finally meet "the Frogurt guy!" Then Frogurt throws down, telling Hurley if he doesn't make a move on Libby soon, it's Frogurt time. The ladies love Frogurt. They gonna be fightin' it out over which gets to "knock the boots!" (Name that movie)
12. Arzt and Crafts (mid-Season 1): Ummm. Arzt doesn't want to move to the caves. Then he hears the monster. Now the caves don't seem bad. I yawn and go grab a snack.
11. Tropical Depression (mid-Season 1): Apparently, Arzt was destined for Missing Pieces. He gets some more playing time here, including a heart-to-heart with Michael. In a surprise move, Michael actually doesn't betray or murder Arzt.
10. Jin Has a Temper-Tantrum on the Golf Course (late in Season 1 or early in Season 2): Jin misses a putt. Then he pulls a Korean Happy Gilmore, cursing how nothing goes right for him. Hurley makes a catty comment. Michael looks pissed. Same old.
9. The Deal (mid-Season 2): We see Michael tied up by the Others, but this time it's Juliet who comes to reason with him. She tells him the deal has been made, and reassures Michael that Ben is a man of his word. Then she remembers that he's not, things get awkward, and Juliet leaves. Michael looks pissed. Apparently he's great at that look.
8. The Watch (pre-Island): Jack's wedding day, daddy gives him a watch. Then he takes his kidney! Not really. Not much here, I've moved it up to #8 because it has Christian Shepherd, and that's good for something.
7. Buried Secrets (Season 1?): Sun's looking for something in the jungle and happens upon Michael. Some pretty strong inferences are made, and the viewer is left questioning whether or not Jin really is the father... again!
6. Operation: Sleeper (late Season 3): Juliet reveals herself to Jack, confessing that she is an operative for Ben. Why? Because after seeing Sun's baby, she's changed her mind about what exactly she believes in.
5. The Envelope (early Season 3): Amelia (Earhart?) and Juliet are talking, just before the book club scene that opens Season 3. And Juliet's got a secret and a not-so-secret admirer. Scandal.
4. Room 23 (mid-Season 2): Damn. I love Walt. After watching this one, I see why Ben says about Walt, "We got more than we bargained for." Also, remember that Room 23 is the brainwashing room where Karl (Chachi) was held.
3. King of the Castle (mid to late Season 3): Ben and Jack play chess. Metaphors abound. And what would seem at the time to be an innocuous warning is, in hindsight, pretty major.
2. Jack, Meet Ethan. Ethan? Jack (early Season 1): Ahh, remember when we didn't know Ethan was pure evil? This one will jog your memory, and maybe even give you some sympathy for the Other doctor.
1. So it Begins (pre-Season 1): Think Jack's eye opening in the jungle is the first scene in Season 1? Wrong. Daddy Shepherd is back.
Ok. I've tried not to give too much away in those. Except for the first few, which you could skip. Go watch 'em, especially #5-1. You'll be glad you did. And if nothing else, it'll tide you over until Thursday.
Here are the links (sorry, "So It Begins" is a separate link):
My thumbs hurt from twiddling,
1 Snarky Comments:
movie = can't hardly wait.
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