

Greetings! With a new year comes a new season of LOST. Season 4 begins on January 31st (yes, a Thursday) and Maggie and I are celebrating the rest of the month with a plan to hype up the premiere (Plan + January = Planuary). You'll need to make like Wilford Brimley and "Check you blood sugar and you check it often." Of course, by "blood sugar" he means "The Dharma Blog." Trust me.

"What's that mean for me, the reader?" you ask. Patience baby birds, I'll feed you. Here's what's happening in the next four weeks:

Weekly Precaps
(Previews + Recaps = Precaps. Apparently we're really into combining words this new year). Here's the plan. There's a lot to cover when you look at everything that happened at the end of Season 3 and everything that may or may not happen in Season 4. So we're taking a unique approach at tackling that. Each week, we'll cover a different group of people on The Island.
  • Week 1: The Temple. Ben said to Richard Alpert, "You take everyone to the Temple," when he ran off with his "daughter" to intercept the radio tower-bound Losties. We'll examine what "the other Others" are doing, what we might expect from them, and just what in the hell this "Temple" is all about.
  • Week 2: The Beach. Last we left, the Losties had pulled a coup d' etat on the Others, staving off invasion by blowing up/shooting/using a VW van to run over their attackers. What's next for this group?
  • Week 3: The S.S. Not Penny's Boat. This is the ship manned by the one called Minkowski, with whom Jack spoke during the finale of Season 3. Who are these people? What do they really want? If you've watched previews of Season 4, you've already made an "uh-oh" just by thinking about this.
  • Week 4: The Radio Tower. Okay, they've made contact with the S.S. Not Penny's Boat. What happens from there? Are Ben and Locke correct in believing that they've just invited their demise to The Island? Or has Team Jack really done it? We know Jack gets home, is this how?

That ought to cover everyone. Of course, there are some characters who don't fit in there (Desmond, Mikhail, Michael and Walt?!?!) - fret not, we'll cover them, too.

But that's not all...

Other Articles
Maggie and I will be alternating who writes the precaps. When it's not our week to write, we'll tackle other issues...
  • Week 2: Eyes. Every season opens on an eye. Who gets the honor for Season 4? Charlie will discuss.
  • Week 3: The Oceanic Six. Maggie's got some interesting info on who may or may not be "rescued" by the S.S. Not Penny's Boat. Apparently there are 6.
  • Week 4: Plants. Not the pretty kind, the kind that exist off of The Island but work with Ben to get key people there. Charlie will examine.

Until Then
By that time, we'll be on the eve of Season 4. At which point the familiar preview/review format will return to the Dharma Blog. For those wondering, the writer's strike means there are only 8 episodes ready for season 4. The LOST powers that be planned 16 episodes for seasons 4-6, so we'll see what happens with the remaining 8 episodes of Season 4. At least we know we have 8.

Now, until tomorrow (the posting of the first "precap"), enjoy this extended trailer for Season 4:

If you need further LOST satisfaction, I recommend checking out the 8 "Missing Pieces" up now at Good little 2-3 minute episodes. I recommend the titles "Buried Secrets," "Room 23," "Operation Sleeper," and "King of the Castle." You can watch them all by clicking here.

Watch Party
With Maggie and Charlie now living in the same city (yes) we'll be hosting some excellent LOST watch parties in the Lincoln area. I will make some Dharma beer labels. Maggie will make excited shrieks every time Jack is on camera. E-mail me if you're interested. Crazy internet psychos who we don't know need not apply. Unless you bring beer.


2 Snarky Comments:

Unknown said...

i will bring beer and cookies. what more do you need in life...unless i make chicken and stovetop stuffing. then that's all. well, maybe with a cookie at the end. who doesn't like a cookie...

Anonymous said...

I, for one, am pumped and ready for Season 4 of LOST as well as dharmablog version 3.0 (BETA).

Though Stuckey's return to the flatlands is surely a loss for our Nation's Capital, the reunification of our two fearless lost-nerd-leaders in one city can only mean good things for the rest of us.