Sundown, ya better take care.


13 hours left, folks.

We’re back in action for the 6th episode of season six. If you’re like Dharma Blog reader Micah, tonight’s episode title, “Sundown,” sounded eerily familiar to an episode you’ve already seen.

Sundown?” Micah asked. “Isn’t that an episode from, like, season one?”

An easy mistake, dear Micah. You’re thinking of “Lockdown,” the 17th episode of season 2. This episode, as you’ll recall, found Locke up-a-creek-without-a-paddle…or in other words, impaled-by-a-closing-hatch-door-with-a-glow-in-the-dark-map. Yeah, tough episode for Locke. (But he got some great island intel that episode…remember how cool the map was??)

So, if we’re to follow the logic of the title of “Lockdown” (which featured flashbacks of Locke), tonight’s episode, “Sundown” should feature flashsideways of...Sun…right? Well, I hate to go against logic, but I don’t think so.

Calm down, Micah. I’ll explain.

On Tonight
Let me break it down for you. According to our friends at ABC Media Net, we have quite a few old friends guest starring tonight amidst some new names and non-names:

Kevin Durand as Keamy, Anthony Azizi as Omar/Arabic man, Hiroyuki Sanada as Dogen, John Hawkes as Lennon, Andrea Gabriel as Noor "Nadia" Abed Jaseem, Kimberley Joseph as Cindy, Cas Anvar as Omer, Kailee Velasco as Eva, Aramis Knight as Sam, Peter Stray as doctor, Salvatore Abbadessa as cabbie, David Griffith as screaming Other, Mickey Graue as Zack and Kiersten Havelock as Emma.

What. The. Heck.
This list isn’t just “one of these things is not like the other.” Nothing is alike! And it is downright confusing. Why are all of these people in the same episode?

Where to even begin??

First, Keamy and Omar (who also billed tonight as “Arabic Man”, which is weird) were both on the freighter chartered by Widmore to find the island back in season 4. You also might recall that they were both killed on-island. Most are predicting that their moment on tonight’s show will be some off-island interaction with the survivors…something ironic, similar to Ben as the high school history teacher.

Also on the list, a handful of Other Others who are living at the Temple (Lennon, Dogen, Cindy, Emma, Zack, and “screaming Other,” which is the funniest character name EVER). A handful of Other Others seem very logical, as it appears most of the action will happen at the Temple tonight (more on this later).

Next, as we’ve discussed before, we have quite a few no name stars…who will either end up being extremely important or completely worthless. (And my track record in predicting one over the other, however, has been pretty poor this season…so I’ll just stop now.)

Last but not least, these two names: Nadia and Sam.

Nadia is Sayid’s long-lost love who was tragically killed after reuniting with Sayid following the discovery of the Oceanic Six. Who is Sam? Well, we’ve never seen him before. And the actor’s name is unfamiliar. Whatever should I do?

God Bless Google.

Whoah…this kid is a mini-Sayid! (You should google him, too…it is creepy!)

Hmm…could this mean that alternaSayid and Nadia have found their happily-ever-after back in Los Angeles? And did they have a child…and name him Sam? I’m going to say yes (even though I agree with you that back-to-back episodes of alterna-characters having kids in the off island world seems a little repetitive). You read it here first. Sam Jarrah, the child of alternaSayid and Nadia. And another arrow in my quiver for the “The Children of Lost hold the key to the series” theory. Mua ha ha, Charlie.

Back to that title…
Time to channel some deeper thoughts here. Where is “Sundown” headed?

Unfortunately, every option I have come up with leads me to believe it is going to be a rough week on Lost.

Let’s start with the obvious explanation. Sure it doesn’t look like it will be a Sun episode, but the most literal explanation of this title references sweet Sun, going down. The last scene Sun had was at Locke’s burial, after which Ilana said the safest place for everyone to be was at the Temple. However, in “The Lighthouse,” Jacob coerced Hurley to leave the Temple with Jack because “someone bad is about the arrive.” (Most viewers have decided this means Claire/FakeLocke.) Well, this does not bode well with the folks Ilana just sent over. The question is: who will arrive first?

If Ilana, Sun, and others get there first…and there is a subsequent attack on the Temple…Sun just might be injured and/or killed in the process.

If not, Sun will probably be fine, as surely they would realize there is stuff going down inside the Temple and not go inside.

My sentimental heart tells me Sun will not die before she is reunited with Jin (go ahead and laugh, Charlie…I know you disagree). So I think she’s going to get to the Temple after the attack and be fine. But I’ve been wrong before.

So then what does the title mean?
Well, tonight is going to be a Sayid-centric episode. And as our new Ninja Bonsai friend, Dogen, has shared, Sayid has a “darkness growing inside of him.” Literally, darkness is the process of light going away (see also: sundown). What if tonight’s episode shows us that moment in Sayid’s life? When he goes from Habitat-building former torturer to being fully claimed by this darkness? Taking it even a step further, perhaps FakeLocke and Claire are coming to the Temple to pick up their new cohort and fully initiate him into their creepy club.


Although it pains me to say it, I’m preparing for “Sundown” to be a turning point in the season. We might be on the precipice of some pretty dicey stuff…some pretty sad, depressing, destructive stuff.

Consider yourself warned.

The Description for this evening…
Sayid is faced with a difficult decision, and Claire sends a warning to the temple inhabitants.

Although overwhelming, I’m excited about both pieces of the description for tonight.

The first part about Sayid’s decision sure makes it sound like he gets a say in what is going to happen to him. But does that make sense? Does he have a choice of giving into the darkness or not? Of following Man In Black or not? And if he chooses to go against MIB and not follow him, is he choosing imminent death? Honestly, things don’t look good for our favorite Iraqi. I don’t see a lot of happiness in his future.

The second part of the description is puzzling in its own way, too. A warning? Hmm. I guess I’ve assumed Flocke and Claire were going to bust down the Temple doors and go nuts. But if Claire goes in with a warning, is she giving the Other Others a chance to work things out peacefully, without violence?

Unfortunately, I don’t think so.

Warning or not, I’m fully expecting shit to hit the fan tonight.

In one of the few previews that have been shown for this week’s episode, Sayid appears to be asking Dogen for some answers. So, perhaps we’ll get some more explanation about the test Dogen gave Sayid, the pill he tried to force Jack to give Sayid, and this darkness that is growing in Sayid. Even more significant, perhaps Dogen will provide a glimpse of where this dark path is leading Sayid. And will any of this give us an indication of where DarkClaire is headed?

Well…that’s all she wrote! Enjoy it, everyone! See you back here tomorrow morning!

On Twitter @maggiejo

2 Snarky Comments:

Charlie said...

Nicely done, Marge! Good sleuthing.

I would like to point out my as-of-yet undiscovered precognitive abilities, dating back to April of 2007 when I wrote a preview for the episode "D.O.C." called...wait for it... Sun Set? in which I predicted (incorrectly) that Sun would die. It's like Sundown. But not.

I agree that Sayid is going to be our central player tonight. Also, mark my words, we're losing a main character (or two) tonight. I know nothing, I'm not a spoiler-man, I just get the sense that we're going to say some goodbyes tonight.

Can't wait :)

Dave Hanson said...

What if MIB and Jacob are both trying to get off the island and go home? It's a contest and they both have to abide by the rules. That would explain why Jacob was recruiting people to replace him before they even came to the island.