Preview: Jughead


Greetings, Dharma Blog Readers!

Can you handle any more mysteries?
Well, it has been one week since the premiere of Season 5. Are you still feeling as…well…just as confused as you felt last week? Charlie and I have spent a substantial amount of time during the last week watching and rewatching the premiere, and also checking out many of the other Lost blogs out there in cyberspace. While the producers did feed us a lot of answers last week, we know have a whole new set of questions.

So, do you think you have it all figured out? Where do you stand right now on some of the more intriguing new questions? I’ve included some of my current-and-probably-wrong thoughts, too:

Where, in time, is the island? And what is causing the sudden flashes in time?
Maggie thinks: The island is moving sporadically through time because the island has no constant. Who is the island’s constant? Maybe Ben, or maybe the Oceanic 6. As for what is causing the continual flashes, no clue.

Who fired the flaming arrows at the survivors still on the island? (R.I.P. Neil Frogurt)
Maggie thinks: Members of the Dharma Initiative fired the flaming arrows. I am going with the theory that at that moment in time, the survivors had traveled back to the glory days of Dharma. In fact, I think we’ll see this story line continue since Sawyer and Juliet have been captured.

When Richard told Locke to give him the compass next time they met, do you think this was a reference to Richard’s meeting with a five-year old Locke? (Yes, a compass was one of the items young Locke could have chosen.)
Maggie thinks: Ab-so-lutely. (So what does that mean? No clue.)

Daniel Faraday told Desmond “Go to Oxford and find my mother.” So, who is Faraday’s mom?
Maggie thinks: EW’s Jeff Jensen is right when he guessed that Faraday’s Mom is Mrs. Hawking, the jewelry store clerk who assisted Desmond when he went to buy an engagement ring for Penny.

Does Charlotte’s nosebleed mean she is going to die soon? (Charlie hopes so.)
Maggie thinks: nosebleeds are gross. And she hopes Charlotte dies soon, too.

Who hired Dan Norton, the lawyer who showed up at Kate’s door to determine her relationship to Aaron through DNA testing?
Maggie thinks: Ben Linus.  He always has a plan. Ben is using the DNA testing as a scare tactic to get Kate into a position where she feels like she has no choice but to trust Ben in order to save Aaron. (Maggie also thinks that Aaron is going to be used by a pawn for the rest of the season by everyone…and I mean everyone.)

What about Sun’s conversation with Widmore – do you believe her when she told Widmore that their common interest is to “kill Benjamin Linus”, or is Sun lying?
Maggie thinks: Sun is being very deceptive. I think she is trying to keep her friends close and enemies closer.

What did Ben pull out of the air duct at the motel, and then put into his bag?
Maggie thinks: she is scared of it. And she doesn’t want to think about it. Because it is probably really scary and dangerous and time travel-y.

Are you afraid of Jill the butcher? (Charlie is.)
Maggie thinks: from now on, Charlie should sleep on rubber sheets after every episode with Jill. (And Maggie is terrified of all butchers, including those named Jill who are okay with using their empty freezers to hide dead time-traveling bodies.)

In that final scene, Mrs. Hawking told Ben that he has 70 hours to round up all the O6 members. With Hurley in jail and Kate on the run, how will he manage to do this? (It is interesting to note that Sun told Kate she will be in LA for three days [72 hours].)
Maggie thinks: Ben always has a plan. What if those really weren’t police officers? What if it was all a set-up by Ben and the ‘officers’ were working for him? Maybe, maybe not.

Tonight: Jughead
The ABC media release says two main things will happen tonight. First, Desmond is off to Oxford to meet a woman who Faraday mentioned (his mama). Second, Locke discovers the identity of who has been attacking the survivors.

Well, how about that? Two of our new questions from last week appear to be answered tonight! Excellent! I love answers.

If you’re like me, you’re thinking “Jughead? Huh?” Well, a quick search of the word turns up a logical Lost-like explanation: a comic book character. Forsythe Pendleton "Jughead" Jones III is a fictional character in Archie Comics…and we all know how much the Lost producers like to incorporate comics into this show. So, what could Jughead mean in this episode? A nickname? A codename? Something else?

I’m not even going to try to guess, you guys. It isn’t worth it…you know it is going to be something out of left field.

In other news, I’d like to note that tonight’s episode has our favorite villan, Charles Widmore, on the cast list…so perhaps will get a little Widmore/Island history lesson.

Looking Ahead…
Check back tomorrow morning for an exciting and intriguing recap from Charlie. (I think I speak for both of us when I say we are relieved to have only 1 hour of Lost to comprehend this week instead of 3!)


3 Snarky Comments:

Unknown said...

what if locke isn't really dead, but it was staged using the same kind of creepy dart used on sayid? just saying...

Charlie said...

Additional question:

Why are the non-natives (Locke, Sawyer, Faraday, et al) traveling through time but the natives (Richard, Ethan[?]) are not? Remember, after Richard's convo with John, when time skipped, Richard was gone. And so was Ethan after his encounter with John.

As for the Dharma people (like the scary dudes at the end with their WWII guns), are they traveling? Why or why not?

I need answers like Faraday needs a new tie.

Michelle said...

My theory is that Widmore somehow found out about Aaron being his possible illegitimate grandchild (from his son? -- I think this was your theory, guys), and paid to have the DNA test to he could incorporate him into the Widmore fold...