Kwon-tam Leap

And so, of course, it wasn’t a flash-forward or a flashback. It was both. Thanks, LOST. You bastard. Let’s review what we know after last night.
Two Steps Forward
Sun gets off the Island, and joins Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid and baby Aaron as the final member of the Oceanic Six. (Congrats, Maggie. 5 out of 6 ain’t bad). We catch up with Sun when she’s quite pregnant, as she writhes in pain feeling – presumably – some residual effects from Island Baby Mama-itis. Apparently though, not enough damage was done to prevent Sun from giving birth to a bouncing baby girl named, in accordance with Jin’s wishes, Ji Yeon. Finally! An episode where it’s very clear what the title is referring to. Of course, I’m sure “Ji Yeon” refers to some obscure Confucian concept that’s way over my head. Oh well, ignorance is bliss.
One Step Back
Based on Sun’s story alone, this episode was obviously happening post-Oceanic 815 (made abundantly clear by a nurse referring to Sun as one of the O6). But the infusion of Jin’s terrified, stuffed-panda obsessed mad dash through the streets through me for a loop. Until the end, when we find out that the stuffed-panda voyage is really just another errand that Jin must run for Mr. Paik, the controlling father of his new bride. Jin’s story was a flashback.
Here’s the chronology: Jin and Sun got married. Two months later Jin had to honor another baby’s birth with a stuffed panda as a diplomatic gesture. By juxtaposing Jin and Sun’s storylines, we were thrown for a bit of a loop. When it was revealed that Jin was visiting a baby boy and Sun had a girl – and again when Sun and Hurley visited Jin’s (empty?) grave – we were thus clued into the fact that we were seeing both a flash-forward (Sun) and a flashback (Jin). As an added bonus, we learned the Korean word for “bastard.” Thanks, LOST!

And yes, let’s talk about the grave visit that closed last night’s episode. Anyone else feel like LOST hired the world’s foremost expert in tragically romantic scriptwriting for this season? Penny/Desmond, now Sun/presumed-dead Jin. It was heart-wrenching, and it was good. I usually have a tough time caring for Sun and Jin, mostly because I feel like their mythology-free storyline doesn’t whet my appetite for Island insanity. But I was sucked into the story last night. Of all the O6, Sun must be having the hardest time with big lie, as it means pretending her husband died. And the addition of Hurley, flying halfway across the world to be with Sun, reassured us that not all the Oceanic Six relationships are troubled. There is some measure of goodwill and camaraderie among the reluctantly famous survivors.
But enough of the sappy, tragic romance. Is Jin dead? Or are the O6 just propagating their story to the universe by pretending that – like the rest of the people on the flight – Jin died in the crash? My guess is it’s the latter, and that Jin’s still alive and on the Island. But I want to know why he couldn’t go and Sun could. Very interesting. Perhaps the newly-introduced captain and/or his boss, Charles Widmore (told ya so), felt a tinge of sympathy for a pregnant woman confined to an Island that kills pregnant women.
Meanwhile, back on the mysterious freighter of doom…

We finally met someone in charge, but not before seeing another supposed authority figure succumb to Island Madness. Two weeks ago we saw big, bad George Minkowski reduced to dust, unable to comprehend the time-warp effects of his near-Island excursion. And last night we saw his #2, Regina, chain herself up and take a long walk off a short poop deck. The cause of Regina’s suicide: “A heightened case of cabin fever,” according to the refreshingly straightforward Captain Gault.
I Want The Truth!
I like this Captain Gault much in the same way that I like the Others. I think he’s evil, but I don’t know why and I’m left constantly questioning his intentions. And at least he doesn't beat around the bush when giving answers. He may not even have been a blip on my Evil-Dar, save for the “Don’t trust the captain” note that was slipped to Sayid and Desmond (probably by the ship’s “saboteur.” Much more on that later). The other moment that made me like Captain Gault was when he explained that his crew’s cabin fever was probably due in part to their close proximity to the Island. It’s reassuring that somebody on this boat seems to have an idea about of magnitude of this mission.
But the honesty didn’t stop there, folks. The captain was – as Sayid said – “surprisingly forthcoming.” He gave so much information away up front that I feared my conscious mind had become unstuck in time and traveled forward several episodes. But who am I to complain about the free flow of information – especially on this show?
You Can’t Handle The Truth!
Captain Gault spilled the beans about Charles Widmore, then proceeded to give Sayid and Desmond the raw scoop on the Oceanic 815 cover up. Part of that scoop included the implication (if not flat out admission) that Widmore & Co. suspect Ben Linus of having the “resources” to stage the crash, complete with 324 dead bodies. Captain Gault told Mr. Hume and Mr. Jarrah that this heinous act was just one of many reasons they wanted to capture Ben Linus. Consider that conversation the closest thing we’ll get to a warrant for Ben’s arrest. But at least we have some idea as to what they’re really doing.
Or do we? Let’s not forget that “Don’t trust the captain” note. Granted, it was probably written by the saboteur that is working for the same Ben Linus the freighter folk are out to get. But this early in the game, I’m not ready to take Captain Gault’s word as gospel. His boss (Widmore) didn’t exactly seem like “the good guy” when he was kicking the crap out of some kid on Totally Hidden Ben Linus Video last week.
For me it comes back to the very question I posed last week: Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys? If Ben’s the good guy, then maybe Widmore and the Captain really are trying to exploit the Island. If Widmore and the Captain are the good guy(s), then maybe Ben Linus really is the evil mastermind we’ve always suspected him of being. Once again, LOST answers one question (“What are the freighter folk after?”) with another (“Is that really what they’re after?”).
That Kevin Johnson Looks an Awful Lot Like Michael

Good for LOST. They made no bones about Herald Perrineau’s (Michael) return to the show. And when Ben announced he had a man on the boat, it didn’t take Doc Jensen to figure Perrineau was the right man for the job. But nobody probably saw this coming: Michael Dawson now goes by Kevin Johnson (not this guy). And Kevin doesn’t seem to know Michael Dawson from Michael McDonald (“If I hear ‘Llamo Be There’ one more time I’m gonna Llamo Burn this Place Down”). There’s a lot to dissect here, but I think I’ve got two possible explanations.

Time Travel! Remember when Ben set Michael and Walt free at the end of Season 2? He told him to follow a very specific compass bearing to freedom. That made enough sense at the time. But after Daniel Faraday’s insistence that Frank Lapidus follow an exact compass bearing, and after seeing how that compass bearing led electromagnetically-charged Desmond to become unstuck in time, Ben’s compass bearing directive to Michael takes on a new meaning. Perhaps, just as Faraday guided Lapidus through the wormhole, Ben “freed” Michael and Walt from the Island by sending them to the past.
But then what has become of Walt? Did he go back in time, too? I think so. And I think that will work to explain his sudden progression through puberty. Maybe Walt and Michael went back, but Walt was allowed to return to 2004 and the Island, and those “visions” of him we’ve seen (all grown up) aren’t visions at all, but actual visits from the Bird Whisperer himself.
If Walt was allowed to return to the Island, that opens Michael up to be manipulated. And if Michael traveled in time, he probably didn’t have the mental faculties (or Faradays’ guidance) to comprehend it. But you know who would? Ben. And maybe as Ben worked to calm Michael and cure him from the effects of time travel, he gave a shattered, confused Michael a new identity: Kevin Johnson.
You know what would be interesting? “What, Charlie!?” I’ll tell you. What if Kevin Johnson found a constant (like Walt)? Would he snap out of Kevin Johnson mode and remember that he was really Michael Dawson?
Either That, Or Michael’s Just Lying
Yeah. Time Travel is explanation #1. Michael being a jerk (as per usual) is #2. I do think Michael would’ve gotten as far away from the Island as possible if he had Walt. That makes me think Ben really does still have the boy wonder. If that’s the case, Michael could be lying his way back to the Island to get his son. He’s done it before, he could do it again.
But Honestly
But my money’s on time travel, kids. Mostly because Kevin Johnson legitimately doesn’t seem to remember Sayid and Desmond (though his face did seem to very innocently say, “Do I know you from somewhere?”).
I really liked how they introduced “Michael” back into the show. If the reveal was spoiled by announcing Herald Perrineau’s return to the show last summer, the revelation that Michael was operating under an assumed identity was just the shock to the system we’d expect from LOST.
Here's an interesting little tidbit. LOST filmed 8 episodes before the strike. We've heard we're only getting the first 7, then after a break we'd get 6 more. But last night's "Next week on LOST" informed us that we would be getting episode 8. I remember reading an interview with Damon Lindeloff where he spoke about episode 8, and said that if the strike had ended the season after episode 8, people would've been pissed. It's that much of a cliffhanger, apparently.
Oh, and the title of that tantalizing episode 8? "Meet Kevin Johnson."
In Conclusion
Just typing "Meet Kevin Johnson" made me forget everything about last night and focus my excitement on next week.
But really, I liked last night's episode. I thought we got a fair amount of answers, and I have to credit the Kwons on a pretty superb acting job, especially Sun at the grave. That was her best scene in the series, I think.
Here are some things to ponder. Go ahead and ponder them in the comments section if you'd like.
- Jin: Dead or alive?
- Michael/Kevin Johnson: Brainwashed, Unstuck in time, Lying or Crazy?
- Captain Gault: Good or evil? Do you trust him?
- The preview said someone was gonna die next week. Any ideas?
Stephan: 7.3
Oh, and as promised by Maggie yesterday... here is this entire post translated into Korean, in honor of the Kwons.
10 Snarky Comments:
Question: Is Aaron definitely an Oceanic 6? Or was Jin one and then he died OFF the island?
Why would Sun need to fake cry grave-side? As one of the O6, Hurley knows the truth. I think Jin's really dead.
Chuckles: Great work. Stuckey is going to rate this one a solid 7.8, mainly because I love babies.
Some feedback:
Jin: Dead or alive?
The question of whether or not Jin is alive is bigger than "whether or not Jin is alive." What do you mean, Maggie? Well, this begs the bigger anyone still alive on the island? If Jack & Co. "have to go back," we can assume they are going back to rescue someone(s). So, this would lead me to believe that, indeed, there are people still alive. However, I don't think Jin is one of them. Why? Well, Sun's grief at Jin's grave was so raw, it was so real. If Jin really wasn't dead, why the hell would she play along with this fake story to the point where she goes to his grave and morbidly introduces their daughter to the headstone? That would even be a little too much for Lost. There was no reason for her to fake that scene at the grave...Hurley was the only one there. I'm convinced that Jin died on the island...but, as the date on the headstone indicated, there is a conspiracy afoot that everyone died on 9-22-04, the date of the plane crash. That, my friends, I do not understand...
Michael/Kevin Johnson: Brainwashed, Unstuck in time, Lying or Crazy?
The preview scenes make it look like Sayid lays down the law with Michael/Kevin (aka M/K, aka Kevichael, aka Michavin). In addition to beating him up, Sayid says something along the lines of "You will tell me where you've been since you left the island." Sure, this could be a set up for M/K to say "I don't know who you are"...but let's think about this. If M/K is Ben's man on the boat, and they are in communication (as we are assuming, since Ben knows everything about these guys), then M/K has to be in some state of mind where he understands why he has to do exactly as Ben says. Does this mean time travel, as Charlie has suggested? Possibly, but I'm more convinced that M/K is just being M/K...working only for himself and Walt. He doesn't believe that he let down his fellow survivors...he doesn't understand the magnitude of what he did in the hatch (he killed Hurley's girlfriend! come on!) Give M/K an inch and he'll take a mile. I think he took a mile. I think he is a liar. And I hate him. The end.
Captain Gault: Good or evil? Do you trust him?
Charlie's analysis of Good vs. Evil a few weeks ago really came into play this time around. We need to decide whose team we are on. What is difficult, however, is that both teams (Widmore v. Linus) have given us reasons to both like them and not like them.
like--> If Ben really did kill 324 people and put them at the bottom of the ocean, and Widmore is the cavalry, coming in to bring justice, then ride on, Charles! Ride on!
dislike--> Desmond and Penny's thwarted relationship, thanks to the stupid sailing race...well, I'm not sure if I can ever forgive Charles for that.
like--> You know, I'm starting to like this little island. It's so cute. Sure, it has its moments, just like all of us. But, darnit, if Charles is here to exploit it, then do what you need to do, Ben! Save the island!
dislike--> I don't think I could begin to make a list of the reasons I do not like Ben Linus. You'll just have to take my word.
So where does this leave us? Who is good and who is bad? I don't know. So I guess I just wrote a lot for nothing. But this is where my mind is this fine Nebraska AM.
The preview said someone was gonna die next week. Any ideas?
Of course I have ideas!
Juliet: I think Juliet is going to reach the breaking point. The only way she can escape Ben (I truly believe this) is through death. I love the Oedipus/Ben theory...and wonder of Juliet is going to kill herself to end it all?
Jin: This episode certainly made us wonder what happened to our cute Korean. However, I think that is too much of a give-away.
Claire: We still have no idea how Aaron ended up with Kate...maybe Claire will take her final bow next week?
Whew. A lot of writing. Sorry about that. If you've made it this far, bravo. :)
you know, reading this blog is one of the only ways I'm able to make sense of these episodes. please never stop!
michelle guittar
Michelle - thanks! Also, you have the coolest name ever.
Listen up, kids. I don't think Jin's dead. I think Sun was just crying at his grave because she hasn't seen him for 6-7 months, she has to lie about his death and she may never see him again. That justifies the blubbering mess she was, and I don't think Jin died. Plus, even if Hurley and Sun are the only ones at the grave, they're still celebrities. Not crying at the grave, or laughing, or not going at all would look bad if the press caught them.
As for Aaron - Doc Jensen touches on this issue in his post today. And I agree with him that, yes, Aaron is O6.
Just some thoughts, thanks for commenting.
If Michael travelled thru time, would be as crazy as Miskowski. Or Desomnd at the time. Desmond only KNEW that he needed a constant because Daniel told him.
Also, it didn't seem like Michael didn't remember Sayid and Desmond. It seemed more apprehensive, because he DID know them but couldn't / or want to reveal himself since that Doctor guy on the boat was there.
I also agree that Jin is still on the island. Which explains why they would have confusing flash backs to him, her crying out for him during labour.
Jin, dead or alive. Alive back on the island, and the reason for the crying was simply that she misses him. If she can't see him she might as well go to his grave.
Also, just a thought. What if all of those people weren't suffering from "cabin fever" at all. I don't buy the fact that they are, "too close to the island". I think that there may be someone else on the boat that we don't know about. Didn't the Others want to get rid of a certain "special" someone because he caused too many people harm? What if the reason these people can't stand to be alive is because "Big Walt" is on the boat.
What if Ben convinced Michael to get to that boat and pretend to have escaped, or found a way off of the island. It would've taken a lot of time to get the boat peoples information. You don't get that kind of info overnight.
Sorry, I started going on a bit too. Does anybody think this theory holds any water?
I still believe there is really an Oceanic 8. Jin and Claire die after getting rescued. Desmond saw Claire get on the helicopter with Aaron. Jack testified that "Eight of us survived the crash ..." Who are the other two? Jin and Claire. Something happens to them and our O6ers have to cover it up, per the deal reached with Widmore.
Great stuff as always. I submitted it to
I'm betting Michael and Walt were sent back in time (this will account for Walt being taller now than he should be.) Hmm... Ben sent them on a heading of 325 and Faraday suggested a heading of 305. Sounds like time travel to me. ;-)
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