Lost at the Movies: The Grosscup Edition


Loyal reader and C-walking enthusiast Brad Grosscup has submitted the following:

Dear Dharma Blog:

My name is Brad Grosscup. I went to see Golden Compass on 12/9 at Westglen Theater (Shawnee, KS). Before the movie, there was a Lost clip! This is what happened: a lot of random quick shots (possibly saw a cow). They talked about the people coming to rescue them are there for a different reason?!? Ben did say "If they come everyone will die."


Congratulations, Brad! Brad did apologize for the succinctness of this recap, saying, "...that is all I could remember. The minute I saw the first words on the screen (something to the effect of when the plane crashed) my heart began to race. It was pretty cool."

Pretty cool, indeed, G-Cup. Pretty cool, indeed. And let this serve as a warning to all of you. If you show up late to the movie, leave to get snacks or can't hold off on a bathroom break for a few moments, the LOST gods (Locke, Eko, Desmond and Ben... er... but that's a different theory) will smite you by depriving you of sweet, sweet, season 4 teaser goodness.

If you see anything at your local dodecaplex, please let us know.


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