LOST Profile: Bernard and Rose Nadler


Rose (Henderson) Nadler
Age: 50s
Home: Bronx, NY, USA
Status: Alive
Profession: Unknown
In Australia: on honeymoon with Bernard
On Oceanic 815: to return home
Maggie’s Favorite Moment: Season 3 finale when Rose said to Jack "If you say Live together, die alone, I'll punch you." Hahaha
Friends: Everyone
Enemies: No one

Bernard Nadler
Age: 56-57 (He told Jack "I was a bachelor for 56 years before I met Rose.")
Home: Buffalo, NY, USA
Status: Alive
Profession: Dentist
In Australia:on honeymoon with Rose
On Oceanic 815: to return home
Maggie’s Favorite Moment: The Rose/Bernard reunion in Season 2 was very moving!
Friends: Everyone
Enemies: No one

Rose and Bernard: Everyone’s Island Parents

From the beginning of Lost, Rose and Bernard Nadler has captured the attention of almost every Lost fan. The first shot we saw of Rose...calmly staring out into the ocean...was touching, but also very intriguing. Who was this woman, and why did she not seem to be completely freaked out by that plane crash she was just in? As Season 1 progressed and she shared her faith and hope with Jack, the picture of a possibly senile woman began to emerge – did she really think her husband was still alive?

Of course, we all came to love Rose and the maternal role she played for our survivors who were slowly slipping into Lord of the Flies mode. When Rose and Bernard were reunited, well...let’s just say there was probably not a dry eye in the house. Bernard had his fair share of drama following the tail crash – like when the children were kidnapped and many of the survivors were killed. It is very important to point out, however, that Bernard is the only surviving member of the tail section who has not been kidnapped or killed.

Here we stand, on the brink of Season 4. Bernard and Rose are still pillars of strength for our survivors, bringing them back down to earth when things get tense. But there are still many questions about Rose and Bernard. I will outline a few, but there are many more.

Remaining Questions about the Nadlers:

1. Little is known about Rose's early life before the crash. However, a deleted Season 2 scene indicated that she had a daughter who passed away (read: Maggie is a nerd). If this is true (which is hard to say, since we can’t confirm the "truth" of a deleted scene), who is her daughter and how did she die?

2. Is Rose special – or as Ben puts it "important," like Locke – because she has apparently been healed by the island?

3. How did Rose "know" that the tail section people were alive?

4. When Rose leaves the island, will her cancer return?

5. Where and how did "Rambo Bernard" learn to shoot so well?

6. Is there a reason why Bernard is the only tail section survivor not captured or killed?

Waiting patiently for Season 4,

1 Snarky Comments:

Unknown said...

excellent work, mags!